Intertech’s SUPERCAP Transforms Dollar Tree Store Floors
Experts in concrete flooring challenges
By Gilbert Garza, Project Manager and Grant Imhoff, Project Coordinator
We all know that 2020 brought its share of challenges, but challenges are something that we at Intertech are very accustomed to overcoming. One of the challenges we often encounter at Intertech is uneven subfloors, and last year was no exception.
A good example is a project we completed last fall for a new Dollar Tree store in San Antonio, off Summit Parkway and Loop 410.
General contractor Fetzer Companies came to us with this challenge: Dollar Tree wanted to gut out, remodel, and combine two existing spaces into a 9,180 square foot modern storefront. On one side of the existing space had been a Chinese restaurant, with numerous kitchen slab drains. The concrete on the other side was rough, had lots of dips requiring fill, and showed as much as a ½-inch difference in slab height. Fetzer needed a flooring contractor who could smooth out the whole floor completely and make it look like one new slab.
Having seen our concrete leveling work on other projects, Fetzer was familiar with SUPERCAP and knew it was the right – in fact, only – solution to address the challenges.
Intertech’s team began work in early November. One of the great benefits of using the LATICRETE® SUPERCAP System is its speed to apply and speed to dry. Using the SUPERCAP pump truck, we poured the entire job in one day following three days of prep work.
Before bringing in the SUPERCAP hoses, our crews plugged the many existing holes and drains, sanded the concrete, and removed loose concrete. We applied a primer, which takes about two hours to dry, the night before the pour. Tackling this project by hand would have taken at least a week, and would not have achieved the same consistency from one day to the next, resulting in variations where one pour meets up with another.
The superintendent was impressed not only with the transformation in these floors but also in the speed and efficiency. Our pump trucks can pour 30,000-40,000 square feet of Laticrete Supercap underlayment in a day – four times what traditional applications could achieve. And the quick-dry formula enables Intertech to pour one day, and the general contractor can have subcontractors back working on the floor the next.
Social distancing is easy to maintain on a SUPERCAP project as well. The very nature of the equipment ensures that installers are distanced from each other. One person handles the hose, one handles the rake and one is operating the truck outside.
SUPERCAP delivers the highest quality concrete flooring and is significantly faster than traditional techniques. The Dollar Tree renovation is just another example of the value of Intertech’s game-changing concrete solutions technology and experience. We were honored to play a part in transforming this space.
Project Manager Gilbert Garza and Project Coordinator Grant Imhoff bring their years of experience to solving complex issues related to uneven subfloors. Put their expertise to work to create the closest floors to perfect on your next project. They can be reached at ggarza@intertechflooring.com and gimhoff@intertechflooring.com.
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