Time-Saving Technology
The Most Important Time-Saving Technology in Construction – We have it.
It is true – as the exclusive provider of Latricrete SUPERCAP in Texas, Intertech Flooring is revolutionizing the way concrete floors are poured. By combining the power of the pump with the next generation of self-leveling materials, Intertech’s SUPERCAP is delivering proven performance and cost-effectiveness on hundreds of thousands of square footage across the state.
When the Intertech SUPERCAP truck arrives on a job site, the impact is remarkable – and immediate. Our pump trucks can pour 40,000-50,000 square feet of concrete in a day – four times what traditional applications could achieve. And its quick-dry formula enables Intertech to pour one day, and the general contractor can have subcontractors back working on the floor the next.
Hear what recent clients say about the impact this game-changing technology had on their projects.
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