The Value of Doing it Right the First Time
Concrete moisture problems are expensive and all too common in commercial projects. Having the right expertise on board to avoid problems in the first place, and mitigate them when they do arise, is critical. That’s why Intertech Flooring is so excited to expand its line of flooring services to clients, with its new Concrete Surface Analysis and Solutions Division.
Concrete problems are an ever-increasing, and very costly, problem on commercial projects. Projects fail all over the country because of improper testing and treatment of slab issues, and there are very few true experts who can guide clients in how to resolve these issues. Our own Rick Kercheval is one of those experts. He began using the best solutions for moisture vapor emissions (MVE) years ago, and is certified in testing for MVE on large projects. His track record, mitigating concrete moisture issues on nearly 3 million square feet in highly sensitive areas, puts him at the top of the industry. In Kercheval’s extensive knowledge and experience will be highlighted in the next issue of Floor Focus magazine, where he describes several real-life project situations involving concrete moisture. As he notes in his article, “The fact is, in today’s high-cost, low-margin construction economy, it simply is not enough that flooring contractors are knowledgeable in product makeup, green flooring, the evolution of adhesives, construction scheduling, and efficient project management. Without carefully choosing a flooring contractor that knows about pre-installation and concrete moisture mitigation techniques, the general contractor and building owner can easily find themselves in the same situation.”
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