Commercial Flooring News

Industry trends, project highlights and news from Intertech.

Tobin Center for the Performing Arts- San Antonio A Standing Ovation, Please.

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Three of our recent projects took home top honors in the 17th Annual Starnet Design Awards, one of the flooring industry’s most prestigious competitions to recognize the best and brightest in flooring design.  The Starnet awards are the flooring industry’s version of the Academy Awards! This is the third in our series showcasing these exciting projects.  …

George W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum Approachable. Stately. Presidential.

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Three of our recent projects took home top honors in the 17th Annual Starnet Design Awards, one of the flooring industry’s most prestigious competitions to recognize the best and brightest in flooring design. The Starnet awards are the flooring industry’s version of the Academy Awards! This is the second in a series of blogs showcasing…


Austin’s Solarwinds Space Exudes Energy Intertech’s Gold-Winning Work

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It’s a great feeling when your professional peers point to your work as the best in the country. For the Intertech Commercial Flooring team, that recognition came not once – but three times – this spring and we are incredibly honored. Three of our recent projects took home top honors in the 17th Annual Starnet…

25th year celebration and rapid growth

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Bill Imhoff’s interview with Kemp Harr, editor and publisher of Floor Focus Magazine Bill Imhoff, President and CEO of Intertech, and Kemp Harr, discuss Intertech’s 25th year celebration event that was held in 2013 in Kyle, Texas. Listen to the interview to hear more about Intertech, their market conditions and a few of their focus…

Keeping the Dirt Off

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Intertech Flooring’s Guide to Carpet Care A consistent, well-planned maintenance or vitalization program prolongs carpet life and decreases environmental footprint and life cycle costs by removing soil and stains before carpet damage can occur. On average, for every 1,000 employees, approximately 26 pounds of dirt is tracked into a typical commercial facility each month. Preventing…

Doing Things Right the First Time – Part One

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Consider this typical – and all-too-frequent — scenario: A local high school installs new flooring in its gym. Less than two years later, the new gym floors are starting to blister. The building contractor and design architect are called in to assess the problem, and soon, all eyes turn to the flooring contractor. The manufacturer…

The One Step You Don’t Want to Skip – Part Two

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When the Intertech concrete solutions team is called to assess flooring failure due to moisture, we often find it occurred following either poorly run testing – or worse yet, no testing at all – prior to installation. The fact is, in today’s high-cost, low-margin construction economy, it simply is not enough that flooring contractors are…

Cleaning Up Others’ Messes – Part Three

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Our concrete specialists are often called upon to fix others’ mistakes in dealing with moisture issues. And while there have been a few instances where we declined the request – recognized alkali–silica reaction (ASR) and suspected concrete contamination, to name a couple – we actually thrive on the challenge of resolving difficult problems. When it…

Time-Saving Technology

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The Most Important Time-Saving Technology in Construction – We have it. It is true – as the exclusive provider of Latricrete SUPERCAP in Texas, Intertech Flooring is revolutionizing the way concrete floors are poured. By combining the power of the pump with the next generation of self-leveling materials, Intertech’s SUPERCAP is delivering proven performance and…

Preparation First Step to Any Flooring Project

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Being prepared for a floor installation project is the best way to ensure your project will flow smoothly and with the least amount of disruption to the overall construction schedule. Prepping your floor to mitigate moisture problems is a key step, and one in which Intertech has extensive experience. In fact, our techniques were profiled…